
He pushed his knee into the back of her legs. She folded neatly and slid to the ground. His cock slipped out of her grasp and she grabbed on to Riddick’s arms as he lowered himself onto her. He spread her legs with his knee, and bracing himself on one elbow, he slid the other hand down her body until he found her mound. Riddick could not leave her alone. Her taste, her feel was the best he’d had in a long time. She stared into his eyes, her fear of him tingeing her lust. Riddick smiled again, trying to convince her that he wasn’t going to hurt her. He made himself wait just a few moments longer, slowing his breathing. Nothing would frighten her more than a panting animal on top of her. He wanted a woman screaming out her climax under him, not screaming in fear tonight. He gently played with her, squeezing her clit and pushing one finger gently around and inside her folds before sliding it inside her. He kissed her and she began to push up at him just a little, gaining in confidence.. It was a regular occurrence to be targeted for bullying. Somewhereduring the school day roaming gangs of sport players would choose whofrom their gang would fight, and who they intended to beat up.Unfortunately that person, many times, and many days, was me.Some people would say, you just need to fight once and then they wouldleave you alone. Not here, not in this town. If you fought and won, theywould simply throw someone else at you until you lost. It was about thistime that I discovered my own ability to find stress relief. Yes, youknow what that was. I did it a lot. How I discovered it was anotherstory.One day I was digging through some boxes. My parents were away, and Icame across a box of nightgowns. Why my parents had them, I will neverknow. But when I touched them I instantly became enthralled by theirfeel. Silky and smooth, they felt so good against the skin. So much so Istripped down and slipped on one. I was so excited, first because I knewI should not be doing that, but.
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